• Restores health, relieves pain
  • Based on ancient Chinese

    medical traditions
  • Validated by a growing body

    of scientific literature
  • Restores free flow of Chi with

    precisely selected acu-points



Le Shiatsu - About Acupuncture image

Acupuncture was developed over the past two thousand years in China, and has become one of the most widely used natural and holistic therapy in the Western world.


Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM explains health and illness in a very different way than our anatomically based Western medicine, and still successfully uses old concepts such as energy (Chi) and elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood). Though I am a Biomedical Engineer and was not trained to think that way originally, I am amazed every day to observe how specific TCM is and how well it helps understand any individual’s symptoms and provide a clear picture of how to approach the observed imbalances. The principles are coherent and have been refined over centuries. Using them provides a very effective treatment approach.


According to TCM and acupuncture, health comes from the balance between Yin and Yang in the body, and the free flow of Chi. Chi is our life force. When we are healthy, Chi flows freely throughout the entire body, it is distributed harmoniously by Chi meridians, and it supports mental and emotional processes. Chi meridians are the energy channels used in acupuncture and acupressure, and have a number of essential points useful to restore specific imbalances. When Chi is deficient, if it accumulates in excess, or when it is blocked in an organ or body part, discomfort, pain or other symptoms of compromised health can appear. Acupuncture points are carefully selected to restore free flow of Chi, helping the person regain balance.


Acupuncture uses single-use sterile needles to stimulate acu-points along the Chi meridians. This removes blockages, tonifies deficient internal organs, sedates excessive accumulations, and rebalances the flow of Chi within the entire body. An acupuncture health assessment is based on the discussion of signs & symptoms, observation, feeling the pulse, and looking at the tongue. Pulse and tongue provide insight about the performance and energy state of the internal organs.


Acupuncture needles are extremely thin and flexible. They are so thin that they often cannot be felt. 10 to 20 needles may be inserted in various body points, and left for 10 to 20 minutes.


Acupuncture is very effective for pain and internal disorders of all kinds, as well as emotional issues. In fact, the physical and mental/emotional are addressed as a whole in Chinese medicine. Acupuncture excels at helping pains and chronic issues where Western remedies and treatments have some limits, and at supporting a patient along a challenging heavy therapy such as cancer therapy or surgery.


It usually takes several treatments for the effect of acupuncture to be sustainable, as the body needs some time to re-balance naturally and stabilize that way. Your therapist will advise you about the expected course of treatment as well as lifestyle changes that can reinforce the therapy and make its impact deeper and more sustainable.